Newton Stewart Inititiative

Newton Stewart Initiative, Working for you, in green and red text.

Young Start Funding received by NSI for youthwork projects in Newton Stewart

Organisations supporting children, teenagers and young adults across Scotland are today (28th August 2024) receiving a share of £1,792,828.

Young Start funding, delivered by The National Lottery Community Fund, awards money from dormant bank accounts to projects that help young people reach their full potential. You can find out more here

 NSI have received two year funding to further develop youth work and intergenerational work. NSI will provide year-round weekly youth offers with occasional trips and residentials, as well as a youth work service in the warmer months. Three age groups from 10 to 24 years old will be catered for with a range of activities and events selected and developed by those young people attending.

It also includes an 18 hour a week Youth Work Coordinator post. Matthew Robinson starts in post on Monday 2nd September. Over the last year NSI have been developing their youthwork programme and working closely with Youthwork DG. With weekly drop ins at The Hut, a darts club, trips and excursions we now employ four part time youthworkers to support with the many events. 

Young Start helps young people aged eight to 24 become more confident and play an active part in realising their potential. Funding of up to £100,000 is available for youth led projects. Groups can apply by emailing or calling 0300 123 7110.