Newton Stewart Inititiative

Newton Stewart Initiative, Working for you, in green and red text.

Welcome to

Newton Stewart

Newton Stewart Initiative is a community organisation with

charitable status designed to regenerate our town. 

Our Work

Community Events

Newton Stewart Initiative organises a variety of community events throughout the year. Find out more about what's going on in and around Newton Stewart at

Newton Stewart Local Place Plan

The Local Place Plan is now in it's first draft and has been sent to all local councils and councillors for comment. You can read it online over on our blog page and send any comments to

Newton Stewart Projects

We're working on a number of projects to help our community.

Keep up to date with progress on the development of Douglas Park, Vibe 75, The Hut Youth Initiative, Our Community shop, The Grapes Hotel and much more over on our recent news page

Recent News

Want to get Involved?

If you’re interested in getting involved in different activities across the community then get in touch! 

Newton Stewart Initiative are always looking for new members, volunteers and trustees. Drop us an email

Our Funders