Youth Work Newsletter
Newton Stewart Initiative continues its partnership with D&G Youthworks to develop Youth Work in the area. We have had a number of successful funding applications recently which has secured the future of youth work for the next two years. The Holywood Trust has granted us £50,000 over a two year period to employ young youth workers and develop new projects. We have also just heard that we have been awarded £58, 852 from the Lottery’s Young Start Programme, part of this will be to fund an 18 hour a week Youth Work Co-Ordinator post for two years so we will be advertising this shortly. We also received £4,437 from Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Amazing Summer Fund and a further £1600 from Cash for Kids that will fund our summer programme.
Our first event was on Saturday 6th July – a ‘Sparkle and Shine’ Pamper day which was attended by 16 young people where we had nails, hair and friendship bracelet making!
We are also planning a Brunch Club for P1-3 and P4-7, each Wednesday throughout the School Holidays. Other events will take place on Saturdays or Sundays with a Family Town Treasure Hunt on the 13th July with three different routes taking place with different degrees of difficulty. Pick up your clue sheets from Vibe75, 12-3pm.
On Sunday 21st July, we are hosting a ‘Play a Day’ workshop with Newton Stewart Players. This will take place at Vibe75 where food and refreshments will be provided.
On Saturday 3rd August, we are planning a Family BBQ and Traditional Games afternoon based at the Newton Stewart Centre (the hut) and Penninghame Primary School playing field.
Vibe 75 will host a Mario Experience on Saturday 10th August with Super Mario Gaming Challenges as well as Mario themed games, crafts and food and drinks.
The finale to our Amazing Summer Events will be a Community Fun Day based at the Merrick Fields (or the Merrick Centre and DEHS if wet). The date is still to be confirmed but it will be either Saturday 17th August or Sunday 18th August.
All of these activities are advertised on our website and Facebook page as well as posters throughout the town. We are also arranging a trip to X-site at Braehead again, on Thursday 15th August for ages P6-S3. Activities and Meals are booked and we will leave at approximately 10:30am and return abut 8:30pm.

In addition to all this, our regular Youth Work activities are continuing to run throughout summer:
Club 180 – Wednesday 5:30-7pm @ Vibe75
The Hut drop ins – Thursdays – P6/7 5:30-6:45pm, S1-3 7-8:15pm & S4+ 7:15-8:30pm.

We have also been engaging with residents of Cumloden Manor and will be restarting activities there after the summer holidays.
We would like to take the opportunity to thank all of our funders for enabling us to develop and deliver this range of activities for young people and their families.
All our events and groups are free and food is provided at them all.