Newton Stewart Inititiative

Newton Stewart Initiative, Working for you, in green and red text.

Membership and Funders

Newton Stewart Initiative is proud to be a member of the following organisations

  • Galloway and Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere
  • Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations
  • Youth Scotland
  • South of Scotland Destination Alliance
  • Social Enterprise Scotland
  • Community Land Scotland
  • Development Trusts Association Scotland

We are a Fair Wage Employer and are accredited with the Living Wage Foundation


Thanks to all of our funders who allow us to develop and deliver the work we do in and around Newton Stewart

  • Holywood Trust
  • The Robertson Trust
  • Galloway Association of Glasgow
  • Scottish Land Fund
  • Architectural Heritage Fund
  • Rural Housing Fund
  • Foundation Scotland
  • National Lottery Community Fund
  • Kilgallioch Community Fund
  • The Gannoch Trust
  • Dumfries and Galloway Council
  • Scottish Rural Development Programme