Newton Stewart Inititiative

Here to Help Fayre returns on March 28th

Our Here to Help Fayre is back on Friday 28th March 1-5pm at Vibe 75. This will be our third one. Bringing together a variety of support services for residents under one roof.

Newton Stewart Initiative works in partnership with NODA ( Noone Dies Alone) and Machars Home Team ( Dumfries and Galloway Health and Social Care) to deliver this free event for residents

Maybe you need some support during a crisis or life situation? Maybe you just want to talk to someone about a situation you are struggling with? If so, then this is the fayre for you. It’s also an opportunity for people who might like to volunteer in the community to see which organisations suit them.

Stalls available email to book yours

Free to attend and free stalls for Third Sector organisations.