Newton Stewart Inititiative

AGM May 17th 7pm Vibe 75

It’s that time of year again folks! Our annual AGM will be held on Friday May 17th at 7pm at Vibe 75, Victoria Street, Newton Stewart. Not only will we be having our AGM, but we will be presenting our Community Shop Awards cheques to local groups, organisations and individuals AND we will be having complimentary cheese and wine following the AGM.

Our AGM is a chance for you to meet the trustees and staff of NSI as well as finding out what we have been up to and our plans for the coming year. We have BIG plans and we want as many people to be involved in them as possible, including you! From volunteering at events or in the community shop, to being part of a steering group to help drive the projects and plans forward for the town.

So come along, find out more about NSI and the work we do and the plans we have not only for the high street, but also in terms of youthwork, economic development and tourism!

If you are planning on coming along please email and let us know

We look forward to seeing you there!