Newton Stewart Initiative

Community Shop

Opened in 2017 in the old Tourist Information building, the NSI Community Shop has been a huge success in raising funds for Newton Stewart Initiative and connecting us with the community. It takes in donations of clothes, books, brick-a-brack and other second-hand items. 20% of our profits go back into the Newton Stewart and Minnigaff community, in the form of funding local projects and events.  Every item donated and every item bought will help the local community directly.

Community Shop

We are always looking for volunteers to help out! Click here for more information on how to get involved.

We are generally open 10am-4pm, Monday-Saturday. Drop in to see what we have in store, or come and donate your old unwanted items to help support the local community.


Whether you are an individual, a family, a community group or an organisation you can apply for a grant of up to £500 from the Newton Stewart Initiative Community Shop. Every year we take 20% of profits from the shop and distribute them back into the community. You can pick up an application form from the shop.

Applications are now open. Pop into the Community Shop for an application form. All forms need to be returned by March 31st