Newton Stewart Inititiative

Newton Stewart Initiative, Working for you, in green and red text.

Community Shop Awards update

Over 50 application forms were handed out between August 2022 and October 2022. 26 applications were handed back in, one unfortunately missed the deadline. The purpose of the Community Shop Award grants is to give back to the local community, including groups and individuals who may need some financial support to grow their groups.

The Community Shop was set up in 2017 and is currently managed by Linda Woodfield, who is also a trustee of Newton Stewart Initiative. The shop sits under the Newton Stewart Initiative umbrella. We rely on donations from the local community and rely heavily on our volunteers who give their time and energy into creating a shop that people feel welcome into.

Over £6000 has been awarded to 25 individuals, groups and organisations who have requested financial support for a variety of ideas and initiatives, from self publishing a book on walks in the local area to sponsoring a local curling athlete.

All successful applicants have been invited to an awards ceremony on November 24th where they will be presented with their cheques for their projects.

NSI are passionate about supporting the local community and one way we can do this is through supporting local groups and organisations who have ideas and projects which will in turn benefit the greater community.