Newton Stewart Inititiative

Newton Stewart Initiative, Working for you, in green and red text.

Funding received for Events Flyer in Newton Stewart and DG8 area

Newton Stewart Initiative has been awarded funding of £2,328.00 to go towards the costs of printing and designing an events flyer for Newton Stewart and Minnigaff. The intention is for this flyer to go to every household with a DG8 postcode. Funded by Kilgallioch Community Fund and administered by Foundation Scotland, we are extremely grateful for the funding towards this.

From the Local Place Plan we learnt that many residents felt they didn’t know what was going on in the community. Creating a bi-annual events flyer such as that suggested allows organisations and local groups to share their events in the flyer. We also manage the website where events can also be found and we are creating monthly posters to share on social media and in the town.

Going forward we are looking at other income streams to fund this flyer including advertising and sponsorship to ensure that this venture becomes financially self sustainable

If you have an event coming up please let us know- email or fill in the form here

If you are interested in advertising or sponsoring the flyer please email the same email address,

Thanks to J&B Print for the design and organising of this flyer.