Newton Stewart Inititiative

Listening and Visioning Events

Newton Stewart 2033- Listening and Visioning Event

Newton Stewart is a beautiful town nestled in the Galloway Hills, known as the Gateway to the Galloway Hills.It is a town where community matters and people are the strength of the town.

When we work together as people, communities and organisations we have shown that we can face big challenges and do great things in our town.

That’s why we want your help to develop a vision for what you want Newton Stewart to be like in 2033 and what we need to do to achieve your ambitions.

We want to hear from as many people as possible.

Why get involved?

The Local Place Plan is an opportunity to shape the future of Newton Stewart. It is really important  that we hear from as many people as possible.

What you say will be used to shape what we all do next and how we do it

What do we want to know?

The main thing we want people to tell us is:

Imagine Newton Stewart in 2033 – what are your hopes? If you had a million pounds given to you, how would you spend it in the town? What would you want to create?

If you have more time we’d also love to know:

What needs to change to achieve this?

What role could you or your group play to make this change happen?

Things to think about in groups

What are your hopes for your loved ones (children/parents)?

Topic prompts

• Your neighbourhood and local area – your community, things to do, safety, transport

• Climate change

• You and your loved ones – health and wellbeing; education; children, young people and families; equality and rights; your influence over decisions that impact your life;

• Work and money

• Your home

What needs to change to achieve your hopes for the future?

What role could you or your organisation take to make this change happen?

Events to be held

Wed 22 Nov- Drop in for residents at Vibe 75- 9am-1pm

Thurs 23 Nov- Drop in for residents at Vibe 9am-1pm     

Fri 1st Dec- Riverside Day Centre 1-2pm

You can also share your views online here