Newton Stewart Inititiative

Newton Stewart Initiative, Working for you, in green and red text.

Local Place Plan first draft

Newton Stewart Initiative, Cree Valley Community Council and Cree Valley Area Development Trust worked together in 2023/2024 to put together a consultative draft Local Place Plan (LPP) for Newton Stewart and Minnigaff.

Within the LPP are residents views and opinions on what the priorities for the town should be and how we can work together to achieve what the residents want. Once registered, the proposed LPP will be taken account of in the Dumfries and Galloway Council Local Development Plan 3. It is a document that is intended to be used by anyone in the town and is a working document.

Any comments on this document can be emailed to

This consultation will last for 28 days and the deadline is Monday 17th June 7pm.

Once the consultation is concluded the LPP team will need to consider the feedback and make any subsequent amendments. Following this the LPP will then be submitted to D&G Council for registration.

To view the plan click download below