Newton Stewart Initiative

Local Place Plan Newton Stewart

NSI was awarded funding from Dumfries and Galloway Council to develop a Local Place Plan for Newton Stewart. A Local Place Plan allows for residents in the community to have their say on how they would like to see Newton Stewart in the future.

Doing a Local Place Plan will involve a lot of community engagement to ensure we are getting everyone’s view. This will take form in holding drop-in’s and focus groups and creating surveys to gather views.

Working together with Cree Valley Development Trust and the Cree Valley Community Council, all surveys and consultations have now taken place and the Local Place Plan has been written up. It was sent out to all local community councils and elected officers for a 30 day consultation. Comments and feedback will be taken into account before the Local Place Plan is submitted to D&G Council.

This is a working document and can be amended at any time over the next ten years. The Local Place Plan has now been completed and submitted to D&G Council for approval by committee. You can find the document below