Newton Stewart Inititiative

The Green Fayre is back!

It’s that time of year again … the Green Fayre is back!

Sat 3rd May 2025 10am-2pm, Vibe 75 Newton Stewart.

We are open for stall bookings.  The Green Fayre has quickly turned into a combi event – introducing new people to the amazing community groups working hard in the region to protect nature, educate and raise awareness on key environmental and climate issues – as well as an excellent networker for the groups displaying.

As always there is no charge for community groups and we ask a £10 charge for stalls selling locally produced items/sustainable businesses.

This year we urge exhibitors to make sure you showcase your volunteering opportunities, as this is a great chance to meet new people and secure those much-needed volunteers. Last year the Green Fayre attracted well over 200 people.

Please email to book your stall