Newton Stewart Inititiative

Celebrating Volunteer Week 2024

Volunteers’ Week is about celebrating and thanking those who give up their time to make a difference. Volunteers’ Week celebrates the amazing contributions volunteers make to communities across the UK.

The celebration starts on the first Monday in June every year. It’s a chance to recognise, celebrate and thank the UK’s incredible volunteers for all they contribute to our local communities, the voluntary sector, and society as a whole.

Volunteers’ Week was first established in 1984, by what was then known as Volunteering England and is celebrating it’s 40th year.

Newton Stewart Initiative is reliant on volunteers to keep the charity running smoothly. All of our trustees are volunteers and many have been with us for a number of years. Our community shop in Dashwood Square is run entirely by a dedicated group of volunteers who ensure that the shop runs smoothly and is open six days a week.

Why volunteer?

Linda is our community shop manager who volunteers full time. She is retired and has been involved in the set up of the shop from day one. As a trustee for Newton Stewart Initiative, Linda is passionate about serving the community. As a resident of Newton Stewart for 20 years, she has seen the impact that the shop has on the local community.

Karen, Kevin, Debbie and Mags volunteer at our community shop. This photo was taken at our winter Fayre where they came along to help out with serving refreshments. Thank you!

Rosemary is retired and has been volunteering at our shop for five years now. She has lived in Newton Stewart for 40 years. Rosemary enjoys volunteering with us as she gets to meet like minded people and have a laugh. In her words, she loves it. The folk she works with are lovely too!

We have over 30 volunteers now for NSI and we would like to thank all of our volunteers and trustees for their time and energy they put in and let them know how much we appreciate them.

There are many groups in Newton Stewart and Minnigaff which are run purely by volunteers, from the Men’s Shed to WOMANS, Newton Stewart Museum to Newton Tootin and many volunteers acting as trustees for the numerous charities and events we have in town. So a huge thank you to every person in and around Newton Stewart who gives their time to these fabulous groups and projects. Let’s celebrate everyone this week volunteering by saying a huge thank you!

If you would like to volunteer with Newton Stewart Initiative please contact